May 22 1814: Andrew Jackson Gets a Promotion


On May 22 1814, Secretary of War John Armstrong writes to Andrew Jackson, advising him of his appointment as “Brigadier General in the army of the United States, and by brevet has the honorary rank of Major General” with command of the 7th Military District.

Sir: The vacancy produced by General Hampton’s resignation, not having been filled during the late session of the Senate, cannot be supplied constitutionally, during the recess of that body. All therefore that can be done at present, in reward for your able and gallant conduct during the campaign, and in testimony of the public respect these have obtained, is to make you a Brigadier of the line, with the Brevet of Major General, and to invest you with command of the 7th Military District. Commissions of this character will be immediately prepared and forwarded–and I cannot but hope but that they will be acceptable and accepted, & that it will not be inconvenient for you to assume this new command without loss of time.

I avail myself of this occasion to offer you my great respect and best wishes.
J. A.

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